Friday 28 November 2008

Bishop Sentamu Talks Bollocks: Politician Counters

Bishop Dr. John Sentamu talks shit a lot of the time (he has an invisible friend after all) but the following quote seems to counter an argument that wasn't made in the first place.
"For any honourable member to suggest that someone who has made out reasonable grounds, and has succeeded in their appeal under the due process of law 'has no right to be in this country' is a worrying development." -- Dr. Sentamu, quoted by BBC News.
Does anyone know when Phil Woolas, MP actually implied this? Best we could find was this:
"You cannot manage a system unless it is efficient. That is fairer for the immigration and asylum seekers who are using the system." -- Philip Woolas, MP. Minister for Immigration
I'm not a labour supporter - the party has fucked up the UK horribly over the last ten years and Blairshite policies have screwed up the education system terribly: particularly in science.

As for the matter in hand, Mr Woolas is clearly a pragmatist (and has a large muslim majority in his own constituency: people who were immigrants just a few generations ago). So he has a pretty good finger on pulse but the fact is that the UK is a tiny island and there's only so much room for everyone. We need to have a robust debate about immigration. The colour of a person's skin or the amount of money they have shouldn't determine if they should (or should not) come here: it's simply a matter of room first and need second.

If people are being persecuted in their own country then they have a human right to get away and the rest of the world has a duty to offered relocation: but that doesn't the UK has to take all comers.

What's wrong with the Eurpoean continent? What about America? Vast tracts of land many times larger than this crowded island.

We need this debate and we need to be able to ask tough questions: people like Sentamu get far too much press because when it comes down to it, this is little more thana PR exercise for them to demonstrate how "nice" they [Christians] are.

The racist would let the white dude stay and send the coloured dude home. It's not racist to decide if a person can stay: it's practical!

I wonder how many Bishop Sentamu would put up in his home, rent free?

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